A smiling woman wearing a brown and maroon coat in a field of snow

Modern dentistry has numerous options to improve the appearance of your teeth and prevent tooth decay. Dental crowns are standard restorative solutions. The procedure involves putting a cap over your natural tooth or pre-existing dental implant to maintain your jaw structure and stop further damage. Crowns are generally made from hard materials such as porcelain or ceramic, as these match the natural color of teeth the best. While crowns can also be made from gold, resin, and stainless steel, at Definitive Dental, we only use metal-free materials that help you achieve a natural-looking smile.

Is getting a dental crown worth it? The answer depends on your oral health and the extent of the problem you want to address. Here are the major pros and cons of dental crowns.

The Benefits of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns improve the overall appearance of your smile and the function of your bite. Crowns can also correct many cosmetic issues, making crown placement one of the more common dental procedures throughout the United States. Advantages include:

  • Replacing large or worn-out fillings in the teeth
  • Restoring the structural integrity of dental implants
  • Covering cracked, injured, or damaged teeth
  • Correcting discoloration or alignment
  • Reshaping your teeth
  • Preventing cracked or damaged teeth from further breaking down
  • Protecting the original tooth after a root canal
  • Are dental crowns necessary for restoring your smile? They are, especially when other restorative measures fall short.

Crowns are highly durable. They are designed to last for at least 5-10 years, but with proper care, they can last up to 20 years.

The Drawbacks of Dental Crowns

Like most restorative dental procedures, dental crowns also have certain disadvantages that patients should be aware of. The dentist may need to file down your existing tooth to fit the crown. Many patients experience discomfort or heightened sensitivity to hot and cold foods for weeks or months after the procedure. Our office typically recommends sensitive toothpaste to help with this issue.

With regular checkups and proper care at home, the chances of further tooth decay are low. A dental crown, however, does not entirely dismiss the possibility of further decay. If your crown ever feels loose or chipped, visiting the dentist as soon as possible is essential. Leaving a damaged crown untreated can cause additional complications later down the line. Are dental crowns necessary to prevent these complications? Absolutely.

Tooth Cap vs Crown: Understanding the Differences

Knowing the differences between a tooth cap and a crown is essential when considering dental restorations. Essentially, tooth cap vs crown is more about terminology; “cap” and “crown” generally refer to the same thing. However, understanding tooth cap vs crown can clarify expectations about the procedure.

The Pros and Cons of Dental Crowns – a Quick Summary:

  • Pros of dental crowns include:
    • Restore cracked or damaged teeth
    • Correct discoloration or alignment
    • Replace worn-out fillings before they break
    • Restore dental implants
    • Prevent tooth breakage after a root canal
  • Cons of dental crowns include:
    • It may need to be repaired or replaced
    • Requires minor tooth reduction
    • Heightened sensitivity to hot or cold foods and beverages for a few weeks or months
    • Are dental crowns necessary even with these drawbacks? They often are when considering the long-term benefits.

Get an Expert Consultation

Is it worth getting a dental crown? Dental crowns have several benefits and give patients a beautiful, natural smile. Understanding the pros and cons of dental crowns can help you make an informed decision.

For more information about dental crowns in the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area, contact Definitive Dental. Whether you’re an existing patient or visiting us for the first time, we’ll review your oral health history and fully explain the pros and cons of dental crowns. When you fill out our form, our team will contact you within one business day. Alternatively, you can call us at (972) 449-1962 or click here to book an appointment.

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